As we age, the natural volume and elasticity of our youthful skin begin to diminish as wrinkles and folds settle in. Dermal filler is a gel-like injectable that instantly restores your skin’s volume and smooths away deep lines and facial creases, revealing a more youthful appearance.


Common treatment areas:



Smoker Lines (lines above and below the lips)

How do dermal fillers work?

Dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm® or Restylane are made of hyaluronic acid.  Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in your body responsible for keeping your skin hydrated and plump. Injecting the gel-like substance into targeted areas in the face adds volume under the skin, visibly reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In addition to smoothing the skin, dermal fillers can also be applied to improve facial symmetry, plump lips, add volume to sunken, hollow cheeks and temples, contour the face and fill acne scars.


During your dermal filler treatment, the targeted area is thoroughly cleaned and then a topical anesthetic is applied, if needed. Many dermal injectables contain lidocaine, a local numbing medication, which helps to reduce discomfort during the treatment. During the treatment, you may experience a very mild pinching or pressure sensation while the product is injected. Next, your medical provider will inject a precise amount of dermal filler into the targeted area under the skin.


How do I know which dermal filler is right for me?

Dermal filler treatments are unique and tailored to the individual. With so many dermal treatment options on the market, selecting the right one for your needs may seem challenging. This is why it is important to partner with an experienced medical provider who can evaluate your specific aesthetic goals. During a complimentary dermal filler consultation, our providers will carefully evaluate your needs to determine which dermal filler is best to deliver your desired results.


Are dermal filler injections safe?

Juvaderm® and Restylane are hyaluronic acid gel dermal fillers that are approved by the FDA and generally considered safe. Side effects to dermal fillers are mild and injection-site related. You may experience short-term bruising and swelling, but this will subside after a couple of days following the treatment.


How long does an appointment for dermal fillers take?

Appointments typically last between thirty minutes to an hour. Patients can return to their normal daily activities after the treatment.


Is there any downtime after an injection?

Dermal fillers are a quick, easy treatment with little downtime involved. You can easily come in on your lunch hour and then continue on with the rest of your day.


How long do dermal fillers last?

Results of dermal fillers depend on the type of dermal filler used and area treated, but typically last between 6 months to two years. 


What areas can be treated?

Dermal fillers are FDA-approved to treat a wide variety of facial areas, including the lips, nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, smoker’s lines, tear troughs, cheeks, chin and jawline. 


How long until you can see the results?

Results are immediate, so you can see the effects directly following the treatment. However, dermal fillers may take up to four weeks to fully settle before you can see the full results. We recommend patients stay hydrated and drink plenty of water following the dermal filler treatment, as hyaluronic acid is water-binding, meaning that it will enhance the effect of the filler.


What can I expect after the treatment?

After your treatment, you may have some redness, swelling, and mild bruising. This will normally last less than seven days. Cold compresses may be used immediately and up to 24 hours after the treatment to reduce swelling.


After 24 hours post-treatment, if any bruising has occurred, warm compresses may be applied to the affected areas to expedite the resolution of bruising. Avoid touching the treated area within six hours following treatment. After that, the area can be gently washed.


Sunbathing and cold outdoor activities should be avoided until any redness or swelling disappears.


Avoid exercise and alcohol for six hours after treatment.


Avoid ibuprofen, aspirin, Advil, or vitamin E for 24 hours after injection.

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