Morpheus8 in Pittsburgh, PA is a cutting edge minimally invasive cosmetic microneedling treatment for total skin rejuvenation.

Using radiofrequency energy technology combined with microneedling, Morpherus8 helps your skin look more youthful, more vibrant, and more supple.

Morpheus8 can treat and contour the face as well as the body, as it safely reaches into both skin and fatty tissue. Morpheus8 tightens and revitalizes skin through a process called “fractional resurfacing,” which triggers the body to naturally produce more collagen and elastin—two of the most important components of healthy, beautiful skin.


What does Morpheus8 treat?

Morpheus8 treats a wide variety of the most common skin conditions and effectively reduces the following:

Sun damage

Skin discoloration

Enlarged pores

Fine lines and wrinkles

Stretch marks and skin laxity

Acne scars and other scaring


What are the Benefits of Morpheus8?

Most people only need 1-3 treatment sessions

Uniform results

Reduce the appearance of scars.

Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin

Tightens the skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

Evens the tone and color of the skin, particularly if you suffer from sun damage or age spots

Non-surgical and minimally invasive, yet deliveries fantastic results


Am I a Good Candidate for Morpheus8?

Both men and women of a mature age who are in good general health make good candidates for Morpheus8. If you’re experiencing any of the most pervasive skin conditions that occur with age and exposure to the elements, you’re likely a great candidate for Morpheus8.

What is Recovery Like After Morpheus8?

As far as immediate downtime or recovery required, you won’t have much if any downtime after Morpheus8. Some patients experience slight redness or swelling, but these symptoms typically subside within a day or two of treatment.

The results of Morpheus8 treatment take some time to show up. Once you’ve had a session, you might see some results right away. The most noticeable time for results, though, is after three to four weeks. From there, you’ll continue to notice steady improvements for about three months, which will hold for some time.

How Many Morpheus8 Treatments Will I Need?

As every patient is different and has their own unique concerns and goals, treatment plans are tailored to your needs. A majority of patients undergo 3 treatments for the best possible results. Treatment sessions are spaced out over a few months with 6 to 8 weeks between sessions, giving your skin time to recover and start showing remarkable results in between sessions.

Acne scarring and stretch marks tend to take the most treatment sessions to tackle. Patients facing these issues are likely to need up to 6 sessions.

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